Frequently Used Ignite Forms
- Business Officer Access Request Form - The purpose of this form is to request role specific access within Ignite for key roles. This access will provision the requested user with enhanced data access and transactional ability. All requests must be tracked for audit purposes. NOTE: Completed forms should be signed by the business officer and submitted via email to Before privileged security access can be granted for Ignite, the user must have the following information available for the form to be completed:
- Employees – user has been processed as an active employee thru Human Resources and has received an employee ID number and a valid Baylor email address on file.
- Must read and include all signatures & sign the Confidentiality Statement.
- Must complete training for the requested modules.
- New Report Request Form - This form is for Business Officer's to request new potential reports.
- Contingent Workers (Auxiliaries) Guide - Contingent Workers (Auxiliaries) are a category of individuals who are engaged or affiliated with Baylor in a variety of ways that are given established privileges in exchange for a collaborative and mutually beneficial service they provide in support of Baylor programs. For more information on how to set up a contingent worker please review this guide or email
- GA/GSEM Request Form - This request form allows the user to input information related to hiring a graduate student. Hire new grad students into a Graduate Assistant or Graduate Student Employee Monthly positions or update students who are currently in one of these positions.
- HCM Personnel Action Form - The purpose of this form is to communicate to the HCM specialist team the need for the following HR transactions related to existing faculty or staff members. If you do not have access to the form, please contact your Business Officer.
- Labor Distribution Initiate Change Forms - The Labor Distribution Change request form is used to update future or prior (retroactive) costing for an individual's compensation and benefits. Only users who have been selected by business officers and have completed training are granted access to the form.
- Staff Hiring Request Form - The purpose of this form is to request initiation of a staff hiring process. This form should not be used to request faculty hires, nor should it be used to request hiring of students that are currently enrolled in courses at Baylor University
- Student Employment Supervisor Forms - This link will take you to the Student Employment Supervisor webpage which lists a variety of forms that may be needed while managing student workers.
Additional Resources
If you have any questions about these forms, please call 254.710.2000 for more information.